EXPOSING PLAYERS AT 1AM | Zombsroyale.io - lorenzroxsoftware.com

EXPOSING PLAYERS AT 1AM | Zombsroyale.io

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Days ago I played at 1am when east servers were dead. suprisingly i found many ppl and exposed them for being inconsistent. this is zombsroyale.


Kevin Macleod – Carefree

TheFatRat – Unity x Megalovania



  1. alt title: sn noob bulling some kids at 1 am

  2. UmlegendaryNoob LOVE YOUR video man😍🤩🤗😀

  3. I subbed and shared this vid to all my classmates

  4. NOOOOOOB!! Made you a fan game! DM/ping me on discord and I'll send you the link. YESIR!

  5. Lol my mom takes my phone always I barely have time to play Zombs 😭

  6. Koala so coobad so legendary Xd jkk unlegendary 4ever baaad zrrr

  7. im still watching these videos and im not getting bored these videos are entertaining

  8. the fact that that bot ws third ws very weird

  9. ''holy crap im stirring him around like some spaghetti''

  10. Video Idea:
    You should have an impulse nade race with essa to get to the other side of the map using reverses and impulses only, but you can run.

  11. get expose noob's Unlegdarynoob is god in the making.

  12. 1:41: I wonder where these childs are?
    Bro, I just love that accent, like its just so funny. 🤣

  13. 3:43: But UnlegendaryNoob, its the meta.
    When noone says that so you have to say it yourself…

  14. Wait, snipers are rare? Whenever i play events i never get them ;-;

  15. UnlegendaryNoob is probably the reason why zombsroyale hasnt been cancelled for not having decent updates

  16. plot twist: this video is sponsered by nord vpn and its not actually 1pm nor usw

  17. IF someone calls youa noob tell them Yeah, I've been spending too much time with your mama instead of getting better at the game

  18. So a day agoo I mena when the new season wasn't out a found out you can punch people trow walls I went insane I just started puch the walls the person was and it was damgeing him by 18 he was cracked he health was gray I destryed him by punching trow walls

  19. This is why Unlegendary Noob has so many wins: bot lobbies at 3 am

  20. This is definetly one of his good videos

    LMFAO so many good kills in this vid

  21. O ye noob the rapping gloves are trash I got them lol

  22. i dont even play the game anymore . its stacked and stuff -lvl 103 but i still watches this mans videos .and why dont this got over 1k likes yet ?aint no way his channel is dead

  23. UnlegendaryNoob: Yang chil out with the snipers.

    Me: Where the hell are all the snipers in this game.

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