so i PLAYED A SOLO SCRIM tourney and this is what happened.. -

so i PLAYED A SOLO SCRIM tourney and this is what happened..

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Join King Cooly’s Kingdom server, or else…:

In today’s video, I play with unlegendarynoob but then he starts playing zombsroyale with yoshiclapz then legendaryjun comes out of nowhere and starts fortnite dancing? Yoshiclapz then starts using the octopus skin and becomes a pro zr player then unlegendarynoob joins sn with chezitss! Don’t know what ZR is? is a 2D battle royale video game developed by an American studio, End Game. It was released in 2018 for iOS, Android, and web browsers.

Kevin Macleod – Sneaky Snitch
Kevin Macleod – Blippy Trance
Kevin Macleod – Cinema Sins
#Zombsroyaleio​​​​ #Zombsroyale​​​​ #zombsroyalechallenge #zr​​​​ #battleroyale​​​ #io #unlegendarynoob #yoshiclapz


  1. In comp u have 2 types of players:1. SWEATY TRYHARDS2. Absolute garbage like who gave them the zombs royale link did their WASD fall out???

  2. Мне нравится эта игра, но блять. Почему все постоянно крутятся когда перестреливаются?! Объясните!

  3. i stoped playing ZR and you made me come back

  4. 1:47 Bruh Cooly's voice cracking got me laughing like when the teacher sh*t his pants

  5. 3 and i love all ur yt videos and tell me ur discord bro i wanna play with u

  6. This isnt comp??????????? there was no clan tags???

  7. Your name is still SG cooly and ur using shotguns… just change you name lol!
    W tho

  8. BRUH i wish the events i played in were like this…. the last time i did this there were so many sweaty players

  9. Bro cooly scamming us
    1st no clan tags
    2nd no sweaty player except in the first game
    3rd what is the comp server

  10. colly is the best player i have ever seen

    and he have a indian subscriber
    and it's me

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